Icon Official Translators for EU Institutions


Considering joining an elite team of language service providers and receiving an attractive salary and benefits? 

We hope to welcome you on board!

For translators

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If you are a translator, and would like to work with us, we request that you translate a short passage—something that showcases your expertise.

Send it to us at vertimai@magistrai.lt and we will get in touch with you very shortly.

For languages other than Lithuanian

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We also work with English to French or German to Russian translations. If you work with these languages, please give us a call or send us an email.

If you are good at translating in other language pairings, we will have jobs for you too, although, less often, so please send us an email.

For interpreters

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Please give us a call or send us your CV. We will come back to your shortly.

For proofreaders

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We are seeking proofreaders of various languages. You would be a great asset to us proofreading in Lithuanian, or as a native speaker of another language.

Please apply from wherever you live, you can work remotely!

Note for specialist proofreaders! There are opportunities to draw on your specialist expertise to proofread documents in your specific arena and earn some extra income. Please send us your CV or give us a call.

a) Kiekviena valstybė narė įpareigota rūpintis, kad institucijos, norinčios, kad jų kandidatūros būtų svarstomos priimant sprendimą dėl skyrimo, tenkintų visus SPD IV priede nustatytus kriterijus. Valstybės narės gali skirti ir pranešti Komisijai tik tas institucijas, kurios tenkina šiuos kriterijus, atitinkančius minimalų reikalavimą.

b) Svarstydamos, kurias institucijas skirti aprobuotomis institucijomis, valstybės narės gali rinktis tik tas serfitikavimo institucijas, patikros institucijas ir bandymų laboratorijas, kurios patenka į konkrečios nacionalinės valdžios institucijos jurisdikciją ir kurios yra įsteigtos jų teritorijoje (Vadovas, Fiche II/B I (b)).

c) Valstybė narė, sužinojusi, kad institucija, apie kurią ji pranešė, nebetenkina pranešimo sąlygų, privalo informuoti apie tai šią instituciją, Komisiją ir kitas valstybes nares. Valstybė narė privalo atšaukti pranešimą, jei ši institucija ir toliau nevykdo šių sąlygų. Toks atšaukimas neturi įtakos šios institucijos atliktiems ankstesniems atestavimo darbams, nebent įrodoma, kad ši atestacija nebegalioja (Vadovas, Fiche II/B VIII A., 1 punktas).

Guidelines and Regulations for the Development of Community Mental Health Care
One of the main policies of national health care includes restructuring of the system of mental health care based on the model of community health care by building a network of municipal mental health care centres. This policy is aimed at supporting the principles of streamlined mental care: accessibility, openness, integrity, co-operation and prevention.
The most important role in solving and preventing problems of mental health care has been placed on out-patient care, community help and intersectoral activities.
In parallel, the hospital sector is being restructured by changing the role and tasks of hospitals. Emphasis is placed on the unified development of community and personal mental health care. These principles are reflected in the Law on Mental Health Care (1996), in the Programme on the Prevention of Mental Illness (1997) and in the Lithuanian Health Programme (1998).
The essential rationale behind the chosen model of restructuring mental health care and the priority given to mental care in general is the critically high suicide rate, a growing number of mental diseases, alcohol and drug addictions, threat and inflexible and ineffective operations of specialised health care institutions, in particular, hospitals.
This year, the National Health Council discussed strategic issues of mental health care and prevention of mental disorders and approved proposals aimed at developing community health care, promoting intersectoral co-ordination and funding of community mental health care programmes.

"15.07 Annexes to the Agreement:
1st description "Project Description"; 2nd description "Disbursements of a Secondary Loan"; 3rd description "Qualification, Procedure of Confirmation and Main Terms and Conditions of a Secondary Loan"; Annex to the 3rd description "Acquisition of Goods and Services";

4th description "Qualification Criteria for Participating Financial Institutions and Procedure of Selection thereof"; 1st Annex "Authorisation to the Bank of Lithuania to Debit Litas Account at DFI Correspondent Bank"; 2nd annex "Agreement Between the Bank of Lithuania and DFI on the Use of the World Bank Loan"; 3rd Annex "Confirmation of Qualification"; 4th Annex "Requirements of a Tertiary Loan to be Extended to a Leasing Company" shall be an integral part of the Secondary Loan Agreement".

To supplement Paragraph (1) of Section A of 1st Description "Project Description", and to make Paragraph (1) read as follows:
"(1) Agricultural Credit and Leasing

The formation of the Agricultural Credit, by providing financial institutions with the opportunity to provide Borrowers loans which they shall invest into: (I) farms with the goal of expanding agricultural production; (ii) agricultural processing companies or other rural companies; to also provide loans to Leasing Companies enabling Lessees to acquire long term movable or immovable property, necessary to achieve goals of the Project."

Brominated flame retardants

Brominated flame retardants are present in printed circuit boards, cables, wires, casings and housings. In turn, they delay the spread of fire. Up to thirty percent of the plastic in a computer casing can consist of flame retardant substances.

Flame retardants have been found in human blood and researchers fear that disturbances in foetus development may occur. TCO '95 demand requires that plastic components weighting more than 25 grams must not contain organically bound chlorine and bromine.


Lead can be found in picture tubes, display screens, solders and capacitors. Lead damages the nervous system and in higher doses, causes lead poisoning.


Cadmium is present in rechargeable batteries and in the colourgenerating layers of certain computer displays.

Cadmium damages the nervous system and is toxic in high doses. TCO'95 requirement states that batteries may not contain more than 25 ppm (parts per million) of mercury. It also demands that no mercury is present in any of the electrical of electronics components concerned with the display unit.

Neben einem Aufsatz für die Zeitschrift „Foreign Affairs" vereinigt das Buch 21 Reden, die Vaclav Havel zwischen 1992 und 1997 vor internationalen Organisationen, Akademien oder vor der breiten Öffentlichkeit gehalten hat. Havels Themen reichen von konkreten politischen Problemen, wie der europäischen Einigung und den deutsch-tschechischen Beziehungen, über Fragen der Globalisierung bis hin zur persönlichen Erfahrung mit dem Tod.

Kernpunkt aller Überlegungen ist die Wiedergewinnung eines moralischen Standpunktes in einer von ökonomischer Logik und politischen Realismus geprägten modernen Welt.

Ohne persönliche moralische Überzeugungen und ohne den Rückgriff auf gemeinsame ethische Traditionen, so Havel, werden die Versuche die großen politischen, ökonomischen und zwischenkulturellen Probleme des kommenden Jahrhunderts zu lösen, scheitern. Dem heutigen Europa mangelt es an Ethos an Phantasie und Großzügigkeit.

Mit seinem Appell an den humanistischen Geist Europas reiht sich Havel ein in die Tradition von Romain Rolland, Benedetto Croce oder Thomas Mann, welche in Europa vor allem ein einigendes geistiges Band gemeinsamen kulturellen Erbes erblicken.

Europa muß sich selbst als „radikalen moralischen Imperativ begreifen, will es in Zukunft an den politischen Herausforderungen nicht scheitern.

L'Europe n'est plus divisée en deux. La réconciliation entre l'Allemagne et ses voisins est opérée. L'Allemagne elle - m?me est réunifiée. Sur le plan idéologique, la démocratie semble la valeur de raliement. L'Europe s'ouvre aujourd'hui, pour la premi?re fois de son plein gré, ? des constructions d'ensemble de tout son continent.

Il ne s'agit plus de redessiner la carte de l'Europe entre quelques puissances au nom de la légitimité des régimes et de l'équilibre des forces, comme l'a fait le «concert européen», apr?s 1815.

La structure organisationnelle est trop avancée pour s'en tenir ? un simple mouvement pan-européen, comme le proposait en pionnier le compte de Coudenhove - Kalergi en 1923; la Russie bolchevique, la Grande Bretagne lestée d'un empire aux intér?ts extérieurs, étaient d'ailleurs exclues du mouvement.