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Innovative Inspirations

Innovative Inspirations

Innovative Inspirations

Unleashing Creativity by Embracing Symbolism, Tradition, and Interdisciplinary Thinking

Čiurlionio kūrybingumas

This article examines the artworks of M.K. Čiurlionis, a famous European symbolist. Not only that, it will look into how the artist’s ideas penetrated into science. Perhaps most curiously, it will give you suggestions on how to utilize artistic breakthroughs to boost your own creativity.

The article is sponsored and was helped to prepare by the language service Magistrai. The company specializes in translating and creating impactful texts. One of the ways to achieve extra impact is to learn the theory and history of art. Then we customize artistic discoveries to serve worthy contemporary endeavours. The story of Čiurlionis was first released last year as a YouTube video.

1. Artists use symbols to convey deep concepts

At the end of the nineteenth century, it was popular to believe that essential things in life cannot be conveyed with the help of conventional language. For example, it is pointless to try to explain what beauty is to somebody who has never experienced it. One must experience beauty first-hand in order to understand it. The same goes for all truly important things in life — love, the miracle of existence, transcendence, calling, or devotion.

Čiurlionis stliziuotas portretas

Stylized portrait of M.K.Čiurlionis by Vladas Mackevičius

If the essentials of life cannot be conveyed through conventional language, might it be that there is some other, even more powerful language to help us out? Indeed, artists respond — it’s the language of symbols. A symbol says more than a thousand words. As Carl Jung would put it, it activates subconscious knowledge within our psyche. Symbols trigger imagination, and thus we react with vigour.

Čiurlionis’ works — his music and paintings — render an impact of this kind. His artistic efforts are designed to discern and convey what lies underneath the surface and what actually constitutes the essence of existence.

The painter almost never commented on his works. There were several reasons for this. One reason I’ve already mentioned — he believed his works portrayed things that were outside the bounds of conventional communication. The second reason is that the artist used symbols in abundance, and symbols excite everyone’s soul in distinct ways. Therefore, had Čiurlionis explained what effect he projected with one or another of his work, this would rather thwart a personal awakening each viewer would have experienced on his own.

The enlightened society of that time was inspired by everything that lies deep underneath the surface and comprises the essence of things. For example, German philosophers popularized such deep-core concepts as the zeitgeist, the national spirit, the mystery of being, or cosmic harmony. Concepts like these — with the help of symbols — are explored in the works of Čiurlionis. He was among the first to conclude that realistic depiction was a thing of the past. Instead, one must convey his subjective view of the world, to transfer how your immaculate soul sees it. If you are successful at that, you will create a way more powerful effect with your artwork.

M.K. Čiurlionis. Fairy Tale II, 1907

Thus, Čiurlionis was among the pioneering artists who set out to demolish the realistic depiction in painting. He is a predecessor, albeit not as radical as, say, Salvador Dali, who came to the forefront of artistic innovation a few decades later. The main motifs in the works of Čiurlionis are abstract, but details are still concrete and easily recognizable.

2. Music into imagery and vice versa

All the above is characteristic of any symbolist. This is what symbolism in art is about. What is unique about Čiurlionis and what specifically brought him international recognition? His specialty was painting music and composing paintings into music. He was both a painter and a composer, equally great at both. So he set out to translate paintings to music, and vice versa. In other words, he played imagery and painted sounds.

Čiurlionis graduated from a musical academy in Warsaw, resumed musical education in Leipzig. After some years he returned to Warsaw and studied to become a painter at the Academy of Fine Arts. Thus he had comprehensive knowledge in the theory of art. This prodded Čiurlionis to come up with a breakthrough idea — to translate the internal principles of music into the language of painting and vice versa. That’s how he began to draw music of his own making. Undoubtedly the first in the world.

Jūros sonata 3, 1908

Sea sonata 3, 1908 (music rendered into painting)

Antras dalykas, pelnęs jam pasaulinę šlovę, buvo unikalus Čiurlionio būvis dviejų civilizacijų sandūroje. Čiurlionis savo, kaip menininko, kelią pradėjo Vakaruose. Grafo Mykolo Mikalojaus Oginskio remiamas, Varšuvoje studijavo muziką, vėliau dailę. Keliavo po Vakarų Europą ir gerai susipažino su Vakarų Europos meno tradicija.

Siūlau paskaityti: „Tolimų protėvių akimis. Kaip pasaulį mato archajiškų kalbų atstovai“.

Tačiau tikrąjį pripažinimą Čiurlionis pelnė kaip Rusijos imperijos menininkas. Ten jis buvo išties originalus ir pakankamai greitai sulaukė meno žinovų palankumo. Paskutiniais metais prieš Pirmąjį pasaulinį karą, Čiurlionis buvo žinomas kaip vienas ryškiausių imperijos menininkų.

Pavasario sonata. Andante, 1907

Spring sonata. Andante, 1907 (another depiction of music).

The second thing that earned him worldwide fame was Čiurlionis’ unique existence between two civilizations. Čiurlionis started his path as an artist in the West — with the support of Count Mykolas Mikalojus Oginskis, he studied music and later art in Warsaw. He traveled across Western Europe and became well acquainted with the Western European art tradition.

However, Čiurlionis achieved full recognition as an artist of the Russian Empire. There he was truly original and soon enough gained recognition from connoisseurs of art. In the last years just before World War I, Čiurlionis was esteemed to be one of the greatest artists of the empire.

3. Elevating Folk Art to High Art

What made Čiurlionis yet more original was that he drew inspiration from Lithuanian traditional art. Symbolists, as it were, discern spirit everywhere. Thus Čiurlionis committed to bringing the Lithuanian national spirit into high music and art. In the language of that era, he was drawing inspiration from the roots of the nation.

Lietuviškos kapinės

Traditional Folk Art elevated to High Art

Simbolizmo įtaka mokslui

All these trends combined produced a highly impactful artistic mix. It caught the attention of art connoisseurs in Russia and the West alike.

Symbolism’s Influence on Science

Now let us see how artistic ideas can influence science. The ideas of symbolists of the early years of the 20th century later found scientific underpinning in the works of Carl Gustav Jung, a prominent psychologist and student of Sigmund Freud. Jung argued we have a collective subconscious; one of the ways to prove it was our predictable reaction to symbols. For example, Europeans would react to dragon in one way, but the Chinese in quite another way (both reactions would be typical of their respective civilizations but quite distinct from each other).

In the wake of these psychological discoveries, a new area of research was found. Attributes of the collective subconsciousness, such as ancient symbols, psychological archetypes, and even myths, were subject to scientific scrutiny. Hence mythology, with Joseph Campbell as the leading authority in the field.

Čiurlionis Rex

M.K. Čiurlionis. Rex, 1909

Practical Application of Artistic Discoveries

Now let us see how we can draw inspiration from the great artistic discoveries. The subject deserves a thick book, so we will stick to Čiurlionis.

1. Learn about symbols and use to your ends

First, we know from that using symbols in our communication is heavy stuff. With the help of symbols, we can catch and freeze our audience’s attention, penetrate instantly to deep layers of the human psyche. This can be done with the help of words, or, better still, with visuals. Symbolism should be an area of intense study for creators of logos, film, and theatre directors. Not to forget marketers, who, to my knowledge, are keenly interested in the discoveries of mythologists.

2. Apply knowledge in unrelated areas

The second discovery about Čiurlionis was music into paintings and vice versa. First of all, it invites us to try to transfer knowledge into unrelated fields. For example, how could law benefit from agriculture — and the other way round? I do not have any answer at hand. But if we ask ourselves such questions and toil at getting the answers, the rest is up to our imagination. No one gave Čiurlionis the recipe for how to convert art into music and back. He had to stretch his mind and work on solutions. So, I would conclude on this one, Čiurlionis invitated us to challenge our imagination in order to apply knowledge in highly unintuitive ways.

2. Taikyti nesusijusiose srityse

Antrasis Čiurlionio atradimas buvo muzika tapyboje ir atvirkščiai. Visų pirma, tai kviečia mus pamėginti perkelti turimas žinias į nesusijusias sritis. Pavyzdžiui, pamąstyti, kaip teisė galėtų būti naudinga žemės ūkiui ir atvirkščiai? Iš karto gal ir sunku atsakyti. Bet jei nuolat kelsime tokius klausimus ir suksime galvą ieškodami atsakymų, vaizduotė anksčiau ar vėliau mums ką nors pakuždės. Niekas Čiurlioniui neįspraudė į delną instrukcijos, kaip dailę paversti muzika ir atvirkščiai. Pačiam teko įtempti protą ir išlaisvinti vaizduotę kelyje į sėkmę. Čiurlionis mus kviečia pasikinkyti vaizduotę ir turimas žinias pritaikyti neįtikėtinais būdais.

3. Make use of tradition

The third discovery about Čiurlionis was that he drew from traditional art. We at Magistrai practice this one abundantly when we create impactful texts. Čiurlonis helped us realize that when we draw from traditional language, this instantly builds rapport and makes the audience receptive.

For example, I was writing a sales copy in English. The hero comes to the lowest point in his journey. Instead of saying “I was squeezed on both sides,” I used the idiom: “I was caught between a rock and a hard place”. Note how a traditional saying adds weight and trust to the story. At times, when the situation allows, you may want to sound a bit like good ol’ Joe. This will trigger good ol’ memories; people will feel at home. I bet you got a taste of that right here if good ol’ Joe is in your culture.

There are numerous ways how we can draw from traditional culture. It may be a hotel or a restaurant serving tradition. We may revive outdated craft or know-how and rehash it to give a new life.

As was for Čurlionis, it is up to us to find smart ways to capitalize on artistic discoveries. My hope is that this read gave you a new perspective on art and what it is about.

If you are open to the idea of committing your creative texts to masters of language, please check out this opportunity.

The Syncope of Life

The Syncope of Life

The Syncope of Life

A Scientific Way to Embrace the Unknown

Venture into the Unknown

Syncope is a musical term meaning unexpected deviation from a set rhythm. It is typically characteristic of jazz.

In life, we can jazz in a figurative sense. It means to deviate from our routine and thus embrace new twists of fate.

Syncope in life is of two kinds. First is inspired by higher forces. E.g. your 12 y. old child unexpectedly flees from home and goes to the sea. You follow him and after you find him there spend the night in town.

This, as it happens, was where she met her husband-to-be. It is a true story which happened to mom of Stasys Povilaitis, an iconic Lithuanian singer…

Another case in point. You reluctantly agree to accept a translation job which everyone shuns. Only to find out that it was the beginning of a great long-term business relationship.

It would never have happened were it not for consent to translate on seemingly especially unfavorable terms that no one wanted. It happened to us more than once or twice.

guitar player

To be noticed as a musician, you must be open to experiment.

Still, it is way better to opt for the other kind of syncope, i.e. to jazz voluntarily. It means not waiting until fate forces surprises on you but opening yourself regularly to deviate from the usual habits. The impact of such voluntary jazz is the flexibility of mind.

Here’s the kicker. More often than not, we receive the best things in life after we do something unexpected. This idea hardly requires proof. It is conventional wisdom that if you stick to the old ways, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten. If that is the case, the opposite is equally true — exciting things are to be found when we venture into unchartered territories.

Please also read on a new approach to effective marketing: No Place for Belles Lettres in Marketing?..

I do exactly that as I write this article for the English-speaking audience. This is not my native language and, believe it or not, no one appointed me to go international. But new opportunities are to be found by doing something entirely new. By embracing the syncope of life, that is.

Let me share what gave me the confidence to begin as an international blogger. Hope it will be interesting to some readers. Believe it or not, there is a scientific way to embrace the unknown. This strategy was developed by The Michael Method, an educational project based in Jerusalem, Israel. They teach about the stages of experience when we embrace new activities. Michael provides a proper perspective on what is to be gained by developing new skills. And most importantly, they give you real practical experience to prove that not only you can master new skills but how much you improve as a result. For example, they give you a memory test. Out of 15 random words listed, people would typically remember 5 to 7. Then they teach you a simple technique to memorize information. After that, you are able to memorize 12–15 words in the same amount of time.

Teachers of this method call it the Michael Experience (or the Michael Process as the totality of these experiences). Graduates of the Michael training often refer to it as an inordinate gift. As the result of a week’s training people acquire confidence and courage to learn any new skills and remain confident in unknown situations. For example, despite my humanitarian upbringing, I mastered within several months basic home renovation skills: to paint walls, to lay floors and tiles, set up bathroom equipment, etc.

Participants of the Michael training on how it impacted them:

After that, I took to learn filming and video editing, Photoshop; then transitioned to video effects and motion graphics. Not only that, I also learned social media marketing (FB, Google and YT ads) and even to build websites. Now I am into SEO.

Menny Barzilai, head of the Michael Method, sums up what they are up to as follows: ‘Michael removes for you obstacles to succeed’. Whenever there is something to learn or find a way, the Michael experience will make you confident to embrace the changes and thrive in unchartered territories.

Now you may be wondering where you could get this experience. I cannot speak for other countries — for that please inquire Michael’s head office. In Lithuania, there is a local franchise to be found at michaelis.lt.


This article summarizes the 11th episode of Tiško kanaliukas, a social content video produced by the language service Magistrai based in Vilnius, Lithuania. Magistrai create texts with a focus on rhetoric. This enhances the impact of the message and helps clients introduce themselves strongly in situations where it matters most. For more please check our language services.